Its difficult to imagine anyone who has’t been touched by breast cancer either in their own family or that of friends and acquaintances. Jessica Queller’s book is a powerful reminder of how insidious and often ubiquitous this disease is – every woman Jessica encounters in her emotional sojourn has an important story to tell. Queller does an effective job of sharing each of these women’s stories as she grapples with the implications of her own genetic destiny-no easy feat considering the choices she faced. What compels the reader to accompany Queller on her journey, and keep reading, is her unflinching and refreshing honesty about herself and those closest to her. All the while she weaves a moving yet informative memoir that serves as a loving and respectful tribute to her mother and others lost to the disease. This is an important book about a controversial procedure to “choose life”. A must read for women and those who love them.